Integrated Governance: A New Model of Governance for Sustainability — report by UNEP Financial Initiative is out

The Inte­grated Gov­er­nance model is the sys­tem by which com­pa­nies are directed and con­trolled, in which sus­tain­abil­ity issues are inte­grated in a way that ensures value cre­ation for the com­pany and ben­e­fi­cial results for all stake­hold­ers in the long term. … Con­tinue read­ing

“Credit stacking” of biodiversity offsets — new discussion on LinkedIn

Dave Poul­ton has started a new dis­cus­sion in the BBOP NO Net Loss Dis­cus­sion Group on LinkedIn. The focus is on expe­ri­ences, approaches and poli­cies or other juris­dic­tion of “Credit Stack­ing”, i.e. the recog­ni­tion of more than one type of envi­ron­men­tal … Con­tinue read­ing

Doctrine ERC (Eviter-Reduire-Compenser) — Application of the Mitigation Hierarchy in France

While I know that France has been mak­ing huge efforts to improve impact mit­i­ga­tion and fos­ter bio­di­ver­sity off­sets I just came across some inter­est­ing web­sites by the French Min­istry for the Envi­ron­ment (Min­istère de l’écologie, du développe­ment durable et de … Con­tinue read­ing

No Net Loss Conference Conclusions and Summary are out

Follow-up sec­tion avail­able on the web­site of the No Net Loss Con­fer­ence I have just checked the web­site of the “To No Net Loss of Bio­di­ver­sity and Beyond” Con­fer­ence (Lon­don, 3–4 June 2014). There is now a whole follow-up sec­tion … Con­tinue read­ing

New article on Mining and Biodiversity Offsets

As announced in the BBOP No Net Loss Dis­cus­sion group Malika Virah-Sawmy has pub­lished an arti­cle on “Min­ing and bio­di­ver­sity off­sets: A trans­par­ent and science-based approach to mea­sure no-net-loss”. Here’s the link to the arti­cle And here’s the link … Con­tinue read­ing

BBOP: Introducing the Business and Biodiversity Offset Program

Bio­di­ver­sity Off­sets and BBOP If you enter “bio­di­ver­sity off­sets” in Google the first results that you obtain are from the Busi­ness and Bio­di­ver­sity Off­set Pro­gram (BBOP). The BBOP plat­form (pro­nounced “bee­bop”) is in place since 2004 and has recently cel­e­brated its … Con­tinue read­ing